How do I change the image of my business on the map?

Google tries to display the photos that best represent your establishment so that customers know what to expect when visiting your location.

It is not always possible to forcibly change your listing's main image, especially if comes from a customer. However, you can upload the following images to let Google know that such images should be featured.

  • Logo - An image that represents your brand is known to your customers.
    • Recommended size is 720x720 pixels
    • Google only accepts PNG and JPG file formats for images
    • File size should be between 10 KB and 5 MB
  • Cover Photo - A preferred image to display on your listing. Google may use this as your main image or as the first image customers will see when they look at your listing.
    • Recommended size is 1080x608 pixels
    • Google only accepts PNG and JPG file formats for images
    • File size should be between 10 KB and 5 MB
  • Business-Specific Photos - Images that showcase your establishment and its features or amenities. These photos may be:
    • Exterior and interior shots
    • Food and beverage (for restaurants, bars and pubs)
    • Product photos (for stores)
    • Team photos
    • Rooms and amenities (for accommodation)