How Do I Delete a Duplicate Listing of My Business?

If you come across a duplicate listing of your business, you can do two methods to address the issue.


Listed below are the step-by-step guides for each of the methods.

Suggest an Edit via Google Maps

1. Go to Google Maps and locate the duplicate listing.
2. Click the Suggest an Edit option.

Note: You can only suggest an edit to a location if you have an account and are logged in to Google.


3. Click Close or Remove.

4. Report location as Duplicate of another place.
5. Click Submit.
Google will then reach out to you via email whether your edits have been approved or not.

 Submitting a Report via Google Support

Once accessed, you will be redirected to the Help Center.
In Step 1, specify the main concern for this issue.
In Step 2, you will be shown a list of Google Support articles related to your issue.
In Step 3, you will be prompted to choose your preferred contact options.
For this example, Email is used.
You will be asked to fill in the required details about your report.
Ensure that you have filled out the required fields to support your claims.

Once filled out, press Submit, and you should receive an email confirmation with a Case ID.

Since the timeframe for receiving a reply from Google Support is uncertain, it is advisable to ensure that all necessary information is provided and included in your report prior to submission.