How do I review my locations metrics?

Metrics help you gauge how well your Google Business Profile is doing in terms of clicks, views and impressions.

  1. Sign in to the DigitalMaas Platform.
  2. On the left-side navigation panel, click Locations.
  3. You may view your location metrics in three (3) ways.
    1. View individual location's metrics
      1. Click on the Business Name of your chosen location
      2. Click the Metrics tab on the menu above your Info Overview
      3. You can now see your metrics for that specific location
    2. View metrics for selected locations
      1. There are three (3) ways to select different locations. Use whichever fits your requirements.
        1. Tick the box(es) to the left of the Business Name to select individual locations.
        2. If you want to select all locations on the current page, click the box icon on top of the first column. A drop-down menu will appear. Click Select Current Page. All locations on that page will have a tick on their respective boxes.
      2. Click the Metrics tab on the menu above your Locations Overview.
      3. You can now see your metrics for those locations
    3. View metrics for all locations
      1. To select all locations regardless of what page you're in, you can also click the box icon on top of the first column and the same drop-down menu will appear. Click Select All. All managed locations will have a tick on their respective boxes.
      2. Click the Metrics tab on the menu above your Locations Overview.
      3. You can now see your metrics for all your locations.