How to Avoid Future Suspensions?

Preventative measures are key to avoiding the inconvenience of a suspended profile:

Regular Updates and Audits:  Keep your business information up-to-date and conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with Google’s policies.

✏️ Engage Constructively with Reviews: Respond to customer reviews promptly and professionally. Address negative feedback directly and courteously.

💡 Maintain Consistent Information: Ensure your business information is consistent across all online platforms, not just your GBP.

💁 Educate Your Team: If multiple people have access to your GBP, make sure they are all aware of the guidelines and best practices.

While a suspension can be disruptive, understanding the reasons behind it and knowing the steps to recovery can help you regain your profile and prevent future issues.


💎 Regular maintenance and adherence to Google’s guidelines are your best defence against suspension. Stay proactive in managing your Google Business Profile to ensure it remains an asset rather than a liability to your business.  


For more insights and tailored advice on managing your Google Business Profile effectively, sign up to the DigitalMaas Platform. Our local marketing solutions can help optimise your GBP, ensuring your business maintains its visibility and continues to thrive.