Why is it important to take control of Q&A and FAQs?

This article will detail how Q&As are presented publicly on your Knowledge Panel, and why it's important to take control in answering them.

Check out our other article on what a Knowledge Panel is here: What is a Knowledge Panel?

Where do the Q&As show up?

Towards the middle of the Knowledge Panel, under the section "Questions & answers"


Your customers may ask questions by clicking  "Ask a question" about your business. It is important for you as the owner/manager of the business to answer these questions correctly, instead of having the general public answer them for you as they may potentially answer incorrectly and damage your brand image. 


However, in general, customers are just looking for some details about your business or products/services so they can make an informed decision. For example:


Also see: How to reply to customer Q&As?