Tags on Listings

Tags enable you to quickly search for locations that have a common characteristic such as state, suburb or type of business. This makes it easier for you to organise your list of locations, especially when you want to perform bulk tasks.

NOTE: You need to be a Contact user in order to make Tags on the DigitalMaas Platform. If you are an Agent or Client, please contact Support.

How to Add Tags

1. Log in to the DigitalMaas Platform.

2. On the left-side panel, click Locations

3. Tick the box on the left side of your Business details. A menu should appear on top of your list. Click Tags.

4. A lightbox window will appear. To add new Tags, type in your desired keywords.

5. Once done, click Confirm

 6. You will return to your Locations Overview. You can see your tags underneath your Business details.

How to Delete Tags

1. Tick the box on the left side of your Business details. A menu should appear on top of your list. Click Tags.

2. Choose which Tag you want to delete. Click Confirm.

3. Your listing will be updated immediately.