Updated User Interface for Location & Audit Page

Location Overview

The location overview page has undergone an update, incorporating the icons showing the status of each integration and the current subscription. With this enhancement, users are provided with a clear view of their subscriptions and integrations. Moreover, this update sets the stage for potential future integration of an upsell journey on the Overview page.
New UI
1 - Subscription
2 - Integrations
Old UI

Audit Page

The new audit page provides a valuable tool for efficiently communicating audit outcomes and emphasises the most crucial areas that require attention and corrective action, enabling the business to promptly address identified risks and weaknesses.
The Audit scores previously displayed in the Location Overview are now moved to the Audit Page.
For easier reviewing, the scores are displayed with defining colours:
Green - The business is performing well with its high scores.
Yellow - The business could improve more if given attention.
Red - Needs immediate attention, review possible optimisation checklist.
New UI
1 - Audit Score Display
Old UI