How do I enable the option to add products?

When you add products to your GMB listing, your customers will be able to see what you offer immediately.

To add products on your GMB listing, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Google My Business account.
  2. On the left menu, select Products.
  3. To add a product, click Get Started. You will see an editor where you can upload a photo, type in the product name, product category, price and product description and add a CTA button.
    1. Create a new category by typing in what kind of product it is (e.g. Bluetooth speakers, sushi platter, mobile phone, etc.)
    2. You can choose between two types of price types:
      1. Fixed price - Choose if your product has a price that is not subject to bargaining
      2. Price range - Choose if your product has ceiling and floor price
  4. Once you've input your product's details, click Save.